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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

     Last September, I had the opportunity to take a trip up to Mt Evans in Colorado while visiting family.  The image is from a cell phone, yes I forgot to take a real camera.  The young person is my grandson.  Next to me is the Elecraft K1 attached to my PAC 12 antenna set for 20Meters.   The view is looking south from the peak at 14,210 ft. Tried working K9JKLR in Hebron, IN  but 5 watts even at 14,000 plus  feet was not enough to make the trip.  Could not raise anyone else either.  The view is just below the peak looking south.
The trip was pretty spontaneous and I did not know about the Summits on the Air program (SOTA) or would have tried activate Mt Evans perhaps stay longer and make some contacts.
     With warmer weather headed up North, it will be time to get out for portable operations.  I will be looking at a new vertical and a couple of wire antennas.